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Monday, April 25, 2011

Advice from my students :)

I asked my students to write me a piece of advice on how to be a good mom. I am including each bit of advice I got...student spelling and all. Enjoy!!!

1. You can be a mom by giving food to your baby and make food to your hosben.

2. I think you should make sure your baby is very safe. I think you should help your baby eat his baby food. I think you should be nice to him. I think you should keep him away from Ramsey.

3. You can be a good mom by buying good food for your baby. You can play outside with your family.

4. When he crys either hes hungry or he needs a diper change. And when he hadnot had enough sleep then when he crys he needs sleep.

5. You can chang his diper. You can put his diper on.

6. Change his diper and feed him and give him a nap.

7. Play with him and make him laf.

8. You can give sum milc and you can plays wheth a toy.

9. Be nais to your baby. I love you. I hope your baby is cuoot.

10. I think you should play with the baby.

11. I think you should make a card to your baby with the name you want to name him.

12. You give your baby malk.

13. Make food.

14. Pay lots of attention.


  1. So, so, So nice!!! Watch out! Keep him away from Ramsey! Does that kid know something about dogs and new babies, or was it just a guess?
    "Play with him and make him laf" and "pay lots of attention" -- excellent advice, and we think you're up to it.

  2. All very good advice, and pretty good spelling too.
