Follow our baby's growth!

 Pregnancy Ticker,  BabyFetus Ticker,  BabyFruit Ticker

Thursday, December 16, 2010

You are what you eat.....

Not really, but what I eat will play a role in what our baby will be willing to eat as he grows up and starts eating solid foods! So, if we want him to love his fruits and veggies, I need to do a good job of eating them now! One again, SO many responsibilities as a pregnant woman, but kind of cool too.

I need to do better than I am doing though, because as of now, I'm pretty sure our little guy will be willing and eager to eat fruit snacks and Lean Pockets...and clementines/oranges (not all bad stuff).

Monday, December 13, 2010

Funny Student Stories #2

As promised, I have another cute/funny student story to share!

This afternoon, while waiting for the buses, my student Emilie (the one who called me out for being pregnant before I even told them!), was looking at all of the pictures I have of the family on my year round cart. There are several of Jack so she was talking about him being a baby. Next, she goes to get this clown troll I have. She gives me the troll and says, "Here's your baby Mrs. Moccari." I said to her that my baby looks like an actual baby inside me now (she had seen the ultra sound picture last week).

Here's the funny part---> She leans down and puts her face very close to my belly (I thought she was going to kiss it!), looks REALLY hard and says, "I can't see him!" So cute :)

One of my friends told me that this baby will become THEIR baby and I can already see that happening! It's really fun to be surrounded by people who are genuinely excited and curious about the baby. It'll be neat to see their reactions after a 2 week break for Christmas and then 3 weeks off in January/February for track-out! A lot will change in those weeks!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

All dressed up....and somewhere to go!

On Saturday night Cameron and I got all dressed up to go to his annual holiday party (called a Seasonal Celebration). It's held at the Umstead Hotel and the food is FABULOUS!!! I found my dress at a store in Apex called's basically a consignment shop for kids clothing, but they also happen to have a nice maternity section as well. This dress was a good find...something I could wear last night and also something I can wear more casually when the weather warms up again :)

Most people could hardly believe that I'm almost 20 weeks. I'm sure what I'm "supposed" to look like, but apparently I'm "tiny"....never heard that before!

This was at the second party of the night, sitting on the couch with our friend Christina.
(It's a photo from a Blackberry, so it's not the best quality...but a picture with me and Cameron together!)

19 weeks, 1 day (12.7.10)

A little late on the post, but here I am at 19 weeks....coming right along...still!

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Name Game

Now that we know we're having a boy, the most common question we've received so far has been, "Have you come up with a name?" Oh my goodness!!! Give us a minute!

So, to answer the question, we don't have a name yet. I do want to share with you that we've decided to keep the name to ourselves until he is born. It won't be toooo long from now, don't worry!

We are happy to have suggestions...share away! :)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Funny Student Stories

I told my students on Wednesday afternoon that I am going to have a baby. They were all pretty excited :) Here are a few good tidbits (more to come I'm sure!)

*"Mrs. Moccari, do all moms have to have a baby?"

*"You're going to have to take a LOT of days off."

*"Can you only do it once? Have just one baby?" (I had to remind him that he has a brother, and although he is no longer a baby himself, he had to be a baby once too).

*"Can babies be teachers?" (Told him that a baby can grow up to be a teacher, just like I did)

*"Does your husband know about the baby?"

*"Are you excited about the baby?"

*One boy must have been trying to tell this to his table only, but one of the girls called him out! "Mrs. Moccari, Joel said he thought you were getting fat." (I had actually noticed him eyeing me on Tuesday and I thought he was on to me!) In response, another girl at his table said, "Mrs. Moccari, I think you just look normal!"

*I showed a few of my students the ultrasound picture I had posted on Facebook. They thought it was pretty cool to see what is inside of me. I then showed them the first ultrasound, where the baby doesn't have legs yet. "Your baby has no legs?" I turned this into a teachable moment and explained it by making a comparison to a tadpole becoming a frog. So now some of my students may think my baby is a tadpole, but oh well!

It'll be a BOY!!!!

Here he is....cute as can be! <3

Look at his sweet tiny feet!!!!

18 weeks, 1 day (Nov. 30)

A bit late.....but this was 18 weeks, 1 day. Coming right along :) (THANK YOU Amy for the awesome top!)