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Thursday, December 16, 2010

You are what you eat.....

Not really, but what I eat will play a role in what our baby will be willing to eat as he grows up and starts eating solid foods! So, if we want him to love his fruits and veggies, I need to do a good job of eating them now! One again, SO many responsibilities as a pregnant woman, but kind of cool too.

I need to do better than I am doing though, because as of now, I'm pretty sure our little guy will be willing and eager to eat fruit snacks and Lean Pockets...and clementines/oranges (not all bad stuff).

1 comment:

  1. My friend Emily ate two packages of Peanut M&M's each day while pregnant until her ob/gyn pointed out that the baby eats what you eat, and Emily probably won't feed her baby that for lunch if he was out of the womb. Though they were tasty she changed it up and stopped with the M&M's. Just a story to help inspire you to eat only things you'd feed the baby - after he's born . . . and milkshakes. :)
