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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Funny Student Stories

I told my students on Wednesday afternoon that I am going to have a baby. They were all pretty excited :) Here are a few good tidbits (more to come I'm sure!)

*"Mrs. Moccari, do all moms have to have a baby?"

*"You're going to have to take a LOT of days off."

*"Can you only do it once? Have just one baby?" (I had to remind him that he has a brother, and although he is no longer a baby himself, he had to be a baby once too).

*"Can babies be teachers?" (Told him that a baby can grow up to be a teacher, just like I did)

*"Does your husband know about the baby?"

*"Are you excited about the baby?"

*One boy must have been trying to tell this to his table only, but one of the girls called him out! "Mrs. Moccari, Joel said he thought you were getting fat." (I had actually noticed him eyeing me on Tuesday and I thought he was on to me!) In response, another girl at his table said, "Mrs. Moccari, I think you just look normal!"

*I showed a few of my students the ultrasound picture I had posted on Facebook. They thought it was pretty cool to see what is inside of me. I then showed them the first ultrasound, where the baby doesn't have legs yet. "Your baby has no legs?" I turned this into a teachable moment and explained it by making a comparison to a tadpole becoming a frog. So now some of my students may think my baby is a tadpole, but oh well!


  1. What a bunch of great comments and questions! Especially the one about whether all moms have to have a baby. Have you worked out what you will say when they ask you how the baby got in there in the first place? Is there a procreation section in the science curriculum?

  2. Oh to have been a fly on the wall in your classroom on that day! Definitely let us know of other good questions they ask - there have to be many more to come.
