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Monday, December 13, 2010

Funny Student Stories #2

As promised, I have another cute/funny student story to share!

This afternoon, while waiting for the buses, my student Emilie (the one who called me out for being pregnant before I even told them!), was looking at all of the pictures I have of the family on my year round cart. There are several of Jack so she was talking about him being a baby. Next, she goes to get this clown troll I have. She gives me the troll and says, "Here's your baby Mrs. Moccari." I said to her that my baby looks like an actual baby inside me now (she had seen the ultra sound picture last week).

Here's the funny part---> She leans down and puts her face very close to my belly (I thought she was going to kiss it!), looks REALLY hard and says, "I can't see him!" So cute :)

One of my friends told me that this baby will become THEIR baby and I can already see that happening! It's really fun to be surrounded by people who are genuinely excited and curious about the baby. It'll be neat to see their reactions after a 2 week break for Christmas and then 3 weeks off in January/February for track-out! A lot will change in those weeks!

1 comment:

  1. That's so cute! Will you get extra pay for being a living science demonstration? I certainly think you should.
