Follow our baby's growth!

 Pregnancy Ticker,  BabyFetus Ticker,  BabyFruit Ticker

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Just a quick post to note that I am no longer as constantly hungry as I have been over the past several weeks!! It's really much easier to keep up with myself now that I don't have to eat every 30 I can wait about 1.5-2 hours!!! (Good thing, because I'm not trying to gain 80 pounds during this pregnancy!)


People have been asking me if I can feel the baby yet....I have NO idea! What does it feel like? Some of my friends have told me that it feels like a little fluttering. If that's the case, then I think I might be feeling our little baby every now and then. It's nothing big, just like a little spasm near the side of my belly. If this is what it feels like then I can already feel our little baby!!!! How cool! (Any women who have had babies and remember this feeling, please let me know!)

I must be showing...

Let me begin this post by saying that I have not told my students that I am pregnant yet. I want to wait until I know if we're having a boy or a girl so that it can be a bit more real to them. May is also a lifetime away for them, so I didn't want to tell them too early. I'm planning on telling them next week.

Here is how I know I MUST be showing...
This afternoon I was bringing my class inside from recess. One of my students, Emilie (whose mother had a baby recently, or is currently pregnant) looked at me, pointed at my belly and said, "Mrs. Moccari, you're having a baby?" My response? "Oh Emilie..." and I went to unlock the door. I didn't lie, but I'm not ready to tell them yet!

It was really very cute though :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Photos so far...

Making progress....slowly but surely!

0 Weeks
10 w 1 d
13 w 3 d
15 w 1 d

Working out!!

Up until very recently I have been using walking as my sole form of exercise during my pregnancy. In the beginning I wasn't feeling well enough to workout and then I was feeling so tired it was hard to muster up the energy to even walk most days!

On Tuesday (Nov. 9th) I decided to get back on the wagon a bit. I went to Linda's studio and planned on attending a class. She told me it had been slow (9:30 on a Tuesday isn't a class I can go to often myself). I got there and it was just me!!! This turned out to be great because I needed to go at my own pace. (Please keep in mind that I had not seen Linda since I told her that I was 5 weeks!! I had not really worked out for 10--yes, TEN weeks!!).

For those of you who are wondering how it goes to workout for the first time after 10 weeks AND as a pregnant was TOUGH!! I had NO idea I would be so short of breath. I only lasted 45 minutes, but I thought that was pretty good :)

Cameron and I went to Linda's this morning for the cardio circuit class she teaches on Saturdays. I am going to do my best to make the Saturday morning class a consistent thing until I can't handle it anymore!

15 weeks, 1 day (November 9)

This is the first photo of me with our NEW camera!!! Cameron and I decided to get a digital SLR (inspired by Ben and Amy) so we take wonderful pictures of our baby when he/she arrives. Until then, we need to learn how to use Ramsey and I get to be the models!! (We need to play with lighting...sorry about the shadows!)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Old Baby Clothes

One fun activity we did while I was in Chicago was look through a couple of boxes of old baby clothes. Some of the pieces were from when my mom was a baby and some from when my brother and sisters and I were little. Everything was so cute...and it's hard to imagine that we were all small enough to fit into the little clothes!

We cam across Ben's first sleeping suit and his first "suit." There were several pairs of overalls. I LOVED the overalls that my mom stitched my name on (picture below)...I'm not sure I have the skill or patience to do that kind of thing for my baby!!

Visit to Chicago

I spent about a week visiting in Chicago (November 2-8)! I had a wonderful time (of course!). I had a great time talking with my mom about this little baby growing inside of me! One interesting fact I learned...neither my mom nor my grandmother got stretch marks, so here's to hoping my skin will stay smooth too.

We also talked about how there are SO many rules that pregnant women need to follow in terms of what to eat and what not to eat. My mom told me that when my grandmother was pregnant there was a theory that the placenta would prevent anything bad from getting to the baby. If only that were true!! Haha! :)

In addition to all the chatting, I was able to find 4 pieces of maternity clothes! I now have a pair of pants I can wear to school...ONE. Good start....I also got a much needed haircut. I really hadn't noticed how much my hair had grown since I got pregnant but WOW! We had a very fun lia sophia jewelry party on Saturday night.

On Sunday, my last day in Chicago, we went to the Lookingglass Theater and saw Peter Pan (not the Disney version....the real version which is much scarier and more sad than I ever knew). Jessica was able to join us (YAY!). The picture below is from Sunday afternoon...apparently I'm starting to look pregnant even when I'm not lifting my shirt up! (Of course,this IS after lunch :)).

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Appointment #2

We had our second appointment with the doctor today! At 14 weeks all she really does is answer any questions and use a doppler to listen to the heartbeat. The baby is still there with a strong heartbeat! This time it is 165bpm. That's a bit down from a month ago, but it will continue to drop until the end of the pregnancy (this makes the end it's a person, and no person has a resting heart rate of 165!!!).

I have also gained 4 pounds. At first I got on the scale and the nurse thought I had gained nothing, but I knew I had! When she thought I had gained nothing she sounded a bit concerned, but then she was pleased with my 4 pound gain. Phew! I went from 156.5-160.5. I told her I feel like I'm much bigger and she said, "You look a pregnant way." That was just funny to me :)

Other things I learned:
~There is one medication I can take for migraines during pregnancy. We're waiting for it to be called in so I can have it on hand. (I've only had 2 in the past 14 weeks, but they were pretty awful because there was nothing I could do!)
~I can walk through metal detectors at the airport.
~I can try a netty pot to relieve some of my constant congestion.

We will go back on December 1st in the morning for our next appointment. At this appointment we will have another ultra sound and hopefully find out the gender of the baby! (Assuming he/she isn't being shy). Apparently this is the last ultra sound (we won't get to see the baby for entire second half of the pregnancy!!!)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Our family of three....for now!

This post doesn't really have anything to do the pregnancy exactly, but I thought it would be nice to share a couple of pictures of our family as it is now :)

13 weeks, 3 days (October 28, 2010)

Looking at the photo from 10 weeks I actually think I look bigger at 10 weeks! I'm guessing that is for two reasons. First, I was WAY more bloated earlier on than I am now (phew!). Second, I took the first picture at night and this one was taken before breakfast! (From here on out I'll be taking pictures in the morning!)

Food, food and more food!

I know I've posted about this before, but I am so hungry all the time! I still don't have any real cravings, but I do prefer food on the less healthy side! I have to work very hard to get in my servings of fruits and veggies for the day. I'm also not terribly interested in meats like chicken. I'm making an effort though so I can get enough protein.

My biggest concern about the food issue at this point is how much weight I'll gain. So far I'm only at about 5 pounds up so far, which is good for this point in the pregnancy. For my weight and height to begin, I should gain between 25 and 35 pounds.

I've recently developed this fear of developing gestational diabetes. I don't know exactly what to do to prevent it...aside from eat better, not gain too much weight and exercise. (Contrary to what I believed before I was pregnant, this is much easier said than done!)