Follow our baby's growth!

 Pregnancy Ticker,  BabyFetus Ticker,  BabyFruit Ticker

Thursday, December 16, 2010

You are what you eat.....

Not really, but what I eat will play a role in what our baby will be willing to eat as he grows up and starts eating solid foods! So, if we want him to love his fruits and veggies, I need to do a good job of eating them now! One again, SO many responsibilities as a pregnant woman, but kind of cool too.

I need to do better than I am doing though, because as of now, I'm pretty sure our little guy will be willing and eager to eat fruit snacks and Lean Pockets...and clementines/oranges (not all bad stuff).

Monday, December 13, 2010

Funny Student Stories #2

As promised, I have another cute/funny student story to share!

This afternoon, while waiting for the buses, my student Emilie (the one who called me out for being pregnant before I even told them!), was looking at all of the pictures I have of the family on my year round cart. There are several of Jack so she was talking about him being a baby. Next, she goes to get this clown troll I have. She gives me the troll and says, "Here's your baby Mrs. Moccari." I said to her that my baby looks like an actual baby inside me now (she had seen the ultra sound picture last week).

Here's the funny part---> She leans down and puts her face very close to my belly (I thought she was going to kiss it!), looks REALLY hard and says, "I can't see him!" So cute :)

One of my friends told me that this baby will become THEIR baby and I can already see that happening! It's really fun to be surrounded by people who are genuinely excited and curious about the baby. It'll be neat to see their reactions after a 2 week break for Christmas and then 3 weeks off in January/February for track-out! A lot will change in those weeks!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

All dressed up....and somewhere to go!

On Saturday night Cameron and I got all dressed up to go to his annual holiday party (called a Seasonal Celebration). It's held at the Umstead Hotel and the food is FABULOUS!!! I found my dress at a store in Apex called's basically a consignment shop for kids clothing, but they also happen to have a nice maternity section as well. This dress was a good find...something I could wear last night and also something I can wear more casually when the weather warms up again :)

Most people could hardly believe that I'm almost 20 weeks. I'm sure what I'm "supposed" to look like, but apparently I'm "tiny"....never heard that before!

This was at the second party of the night, sitting on the couch with our friend Christina.
(It's a photo from a Blackberry, so it's not the best quality...but a picture with me and Cameron together!)

19 weeks, 1 day (12.7.10)

A little late on the post, but here I am at 19 weeks....coming right along...still!

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Name Game

Now that we know we're having a boy, the most common question we've received so far has been, "Have you come up with a name?" Oh my goodness!!! Give us a minute!

So, to answer the question, we don't have a name yet. I do want to share with you that we've decided to keep the name to ourselves until he is born. It won't be toooo long from now, don't worry!

We are happy to have suggestions...share away! :)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Funny Student Stories

I told my students on Wednesday afternoon that I am going to have a baby. They were all pretty excited :) Here are a few good tidbits (more to come I'm sure!)

*"Mrs. Moccari, do all moms have to have a baby?"

*"You're going to have to take a LOT of days off."

*"Can you only do it once? Have just one baby?" (I had to remind him that he has a brother, and although he is no longer a baby himself, he had to be a baby once too).

*"Can babies be teachers?" (Told him that a baby can grow up to be a teacher, just like I did)

*"Does your husband know about the baby?"

*"Are you excited about the baby?"

*One boy must have been trying to tell this to his table only, but one of the girls called him out! "Mrs. Moccari, Joel said he thought you were getting fat." (I had actually noticed him eyeing me on Tuesday and I thought he was on to me!) In response, another girl at his table said, "Mrs. Moccari, I think you just look normal!"

*I showed a few of my students the ultrasound picture I had posted on Facebook. They thought it was pretty cool to see what is inside of me. I then showed them the first ultrasound, where the baby doesn't have legs yet. "Your baby has no legs?" I turned this into a teachable moment and explained it by making a comparison to a tadpole becoming a frog. So now some of my students may think my baby is a tadpole, but oh well!

It'll be a BOY!!!!

Here he is....cute as can be! <3

Look at his sweet tiny feet!!!!

18 weeks, 1 day (Nov. 30)

A bit late.....but this was 18 weeks, 1 day. Coming right along :) (THANK YOU Amy for the awesome top!)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Just a quick post to note that I am no longer as constantly hungry as I have been over the past several weeks!! It's really much easier to keep up with myself now that I don't have to eat every 30 I can wait about 1.5-2 hours!!! (Good thing, because I'm not trying to gain 80 pounds during this pregnancy!)


People have been asking me if I can feel the baby yet....I have NO idea! What does it feel like? Some of my friends have told me that it feels like a little fluttering. If that's the case, then I think I might be feeling our little baby every now and then. It's nothing big, just like a little spasm near the side of my belly. If this is what it feels like then I can already feel our little baby!!!! How cool! (Any women who have had babies and remember this feeling, please let me know!)

I must be showing...

Let me begin this post by saying that I have not told my students that I am pregnant yet. I want to wait until I know if we're having a boy or a girl so that it can be a bit more real to them. May is also a lifetime away for them, so I didn't want to tell them too early. I'm planning on telling them next week.

Here is how I know I MUST be showing...
This afternoon I was bringing my class inside from recess. One of my students, Emilie (whose mother had a baby recently, or is currently pregnant) looked at me, pointed at my belly and said, "Mrs. Moccari, you're having a baby?" My response? "Oh Emilie..." and I went to unlock the door. I didn't lie, but I'm not ready to tell them yet!

It was really very cute though :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Photos so far...

Making progress....slowly but surely!

0 Weeks
10 w 1 d
13 w 3 d
15 w 1 d

Working out!!

Up until very recently I have been using walking as my sole form of exercise during my pregnancy. In the beginning I wasn't feeling well enough to workout and then I was feeling so tired it was hard to muster up the energy to even walk most days!

On Tuesday (Nov. 9th) I decided to get back on the wagon a bit. I went to Linda's studio and planned on attending a class. She told me it had been slow (9:30 on a Tuesday isn't a class I can go to often myself). I got there and it was just me!!! This turned out to be great because I needed to go at my own pace. (Please keep in mind that I had not seen Linda since I told her that I was 5 weeks!! I had not really worked out for 10--yes, TEN weeks!!).

For those of you who are wondering how it goes to workout for the first time after 10 weeks AND as a pregnant was TOUGH!! I had NO idea I would be so short of breath. I only lasted 45 minutes, but I thought that was pretty good :)

Cameron and I went to Linda's this morning for the cardio circuit class she teaches on Saturdays. I am going to do my best to make the Saturday morning class a consistent thing until I can't handle it anymore!

15 weeks, 1 day (November 9)

This is the first photo of me with our NEW camera!!! Cameron and I decided to get a digital SLR (inspired by Ben and Amy) so we take wonderful pictures of our baby when he/she arrives. Until then, we need to learn how to use Ramsey and I get to be the models!! (We need to play with lighting...sorry about the shadows!)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Old Baby Clothes

One fun activity we did while I was in Chicago was look through a couple of boxes of old baby clothes. Some of the pieces were from when my mom was a baby and some from when my brother and sisters and I were little. Everything was so cute...and it's hard to imagine that we were all small enough to fit into the little clothes!

We cam across Ben's first sleeping suit and his first "suit." There were several pairs of overalls. I LOVED the overalls that my mom stitched my name on (picture below)...I'm not sure I have the skill or patience to do that kind of thing for my baby!!

Visit to Chicago

I spent about a week visiting in Chicago (November 2-8)! I had a wonderful time (of course!). I had a great time talking with my mom about this little baby growing inside of me! One interesting fact I learned...neither my mom nor my grandmother got stretch marks, so here's to hoping my skin will stay smooth too.

We also talked about how there are SO many rules that pregnant women need to follow in terms of what to eat and what not to eat. My mom told me that when my grandmother was pregnant there was a theory that the placenta would prevent anything bad from getting to the baby. If only that were true!! Haha! :)

In addition to all the chatting, I was able to find 4 pieces of maternity clothes! I now have a pair of pants I can wear to school...ONE. Good start....I also got a much needed haircut. I really hadn't noticed how much my hair had grown since I got pregnant but WOW! We had a very fun lia sophia jewelry party on Saturday night.

On Sunday, my last day in Chicago, we went to the Lookingglass Theater and saw Peter Pan (not the Disney version....the real version which is much scarier and more sad than I ever knew). Jessica was able to join us (YAY!). The picture below is from Sunday afternoon...apparently I'm starting to look pregnant even when I'm not lifting my shirt up! (Of course,this IS after lunch :)).

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Appointment #2

We had our second appointment with the doctor today! At 14 weeks all she really does is answer any questions and use a doppler to listen to the heartbeat. The baby is still there with a strong heartbeat! This time it is 165bpm. That's a bit down from a month ago, but it will continue to drop until the end of the pregnancy (this makes the end it's a person, and no person has a resting heart rate of 165!!!).

I have also gained 4 pounds. At first I got on the scale and the nurse thought I had gained nothing, but I knew I had! When she thought I had gained nothing she sounded a bit concerned, but then she was pleased with my 4 pound gain. Phew! I went from 156.5-160.5. I told her I feel like I'm much bigger and she said, "You look a pregnant way." That was just funny to me :)

Other things I learned:
~There is one medication I can take for migraines during pregnancy. We're waiting for it to be called in so I can have it on hand. (I've only had 2 in the past 14 weeks, but they were pretty awful because there was nothing I could do!)
~I can walk through metal detectors at the airport.
~I can try a netty pot to relieve some of my constant congestion.

We will go back on December 1st in the morning for our next appointment. At this appointment we will have another ultra sound and hopefully find out the gender of the baby! (Assuming he/she isn't being shy). Apparently this is the last ultra sound (we won't get to see the baby for entire second half of the pregnancy!!!)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Our family of three....for now!

This post doesn't really have anything to do the pregnancy exactly, but I thought it would be nice to share a couple of pictures of our family as it is now :)

13 weeks, 3 days (October 28, 2010)

Looking at the photo from 10 weeks I actually think I look bigger at 10 weeks! I'm guessing that is for two reasons. First, I was WAY more bloated earlier on than I am now (phew!). Second, I took the first picture at night and this one was taken before breakfast! (From here on out I'll be taking pictures in the morning!)

Food, food and more food!

I know I've posted about this before, but I am so hungry all the time! I still don't have any real cravings, but I do prefer food on the less healthy side! I have to work very hard to get in my servings of fruits and veggies for the day. I'm also not terribly interested in meats like chicken. I'm making an effort though so I can get enough protein.

My biggest concern about the food issue at this point is how much weight I'll gain. So far I'm only at about 5 pounds up so far, which is good for this point in the pregnancy. For my weight and height to begin, I should gain between 25 and 35 pounds.

I've recently developed this fear of developing gestational diabetes. I don't know exactly what to do to prevent it...aside from eat better, not gain too much weight and exercise. (Contrary to what I believed before I was pregnant, this is much easier said than done!)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Nobody tells you...

that you will simply feel FAT for a while during pregnancy! I thought (based on who knows what....movies?) that I would feel cute and everything until I was so huge that I was done with being pregnant. Well, apparently there is s period of time (that I am in now) where there is no feeling cute there is simply feeling fat!!!!

Tell me that this passes!!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010


I'm amazed at how much my body seems to have changed already, even considering I have not gained any official weight yet! As the day goes on the hormones in my body cause everything to relax, including my internal organs (apparently....). As a result I have a pretty good "baby" bump by the afternoon! Thank goodness for the Belly Band that I got from my friend Joanna. The belly band allows me to keep my pants up while wearing them unbuttoned. I feel funny not zipping and buttoning my pants, but it's just NOT going to happen after about noon!

I'm in an odd spot too because I'm not big enough (yet) for true maternity clothes and I'm too big for my regular clothes! I think I need to go out and buy some pants that are a size or two too big...I'm thinking that might be more comfortable than wearing my pants unzipped!

Before I head out to buy any maternity clothes I'd love to hear any shopping advice/tips!!!!

Saturday, October 16, 2010


The baby has not even arrived and I'm already unable to sleep through the night!!! The past several weeks I have had a cough that comes mostly at night and congestion that becomes a runny nose right around bedtime. I am going CRAZY!!!! There is nothing I'd rather be doing at 11:50pm on Saturday night than sleeping...but NO, I'm awake because I can't stop sniffling and coughing!!!! Cameron never complains, but I know it's really impacting his sleep too :( I suppose this is one way of preparing for being up when the baby arrives, but I was really hoping the enjoy the last several months of solid sleep before May!

I'll be calling the doctor on Tuesday (they are closed on Mondays) to ask what the heck I can do about this! I only take the Robitussin once every day (at night) and the allergy pill at night, but I feel like I might need something else to get rid of this mess!!! Argh!!!!

Weight gain....or the lack of it!

I keep reading that I should start gaining weight now that the first trimester is coming to a close. I should get ready to gain 12 pounds in the next 14 weeks. I'm waiting!!!

On Thursday I thought I had started gaining weight, but it turns out it was simply a result of eating a 100% carb dinner on Wednesday night. As of this morning I'm still at least 2 pounds less than my normal pre-pregnancy weight! I'm trying not to worry, but I'm a bit confused. I am eating plenty, so it might just take a little more time.

Even though the scale isn't tipping I promise you that clothes do not fit the same! The body is changing even if the scale doesn't agree!

(It also feels pretty odd to want to gain weight!)

Thursday, October 14, 2010


One thing we need to do before May is get our Ramsey-Roo ready to be the #2 baby in the house! We have spent the past 2 years loving him and spoiling him!! It'll be interesting to see how he takes to having a baby in the house. He LOVES kids and babies, but I'm not sure he'll love having one around ALL the time!

It's also been interesting to see him with baby toys. I have a couple of generous co-workers who are passing on their used toys, us. Ramsey thinks that any toy that rattles, shakes or squeaks was brought into the house especially for him! He is NOT a fan of the toys that have an on/off switch. A co-worker gave us an Elmo doll that sings and dances. Oh boy...Ramsey and Elmo are NOT friends!!!

I'm taking Ramsey to the vet for an appointment at the end of the month so I'll be asking a lot of questions about what we can do to prepare our little guy! Feel free to leave any suggestions of your own!

Friday, October 8, 2010


Here is the link to the video Cameron took of the heartbeat yesterday. We had to ask the tech to show us the heartbeat for a third time when we decided to take the video, but I'm so glad we did! It'll be nice to listen to this whenever we feel like knowing that our little one is growing and healthy!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Baby Moccari!!!

We went to the doctor today and finally got to see our little baby! It is measuring at 10w right on track :) We are due May 2nd :)
The heart beat was!!!!
We are SO excited!!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

10 weeks 1 day!

The first picture is from when we were in Mexico in August, 2010. I have it here for comparison...pre-pregnancy and 10 weeks pregnant!

Here I am at 10 weeks and 1 day! The belly is not just baby at all (a good bit of bloat is included too!). It'll be interesting to see how things progress!!!


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Past the morning sickness?

I've read (in many places) that morning sickness tends to subside after week 9. It's due to hormone levels balancing out better and a general evening out after your body has gotten used to the first part of pregnancy. It seems that I may be very lucky to be moving past the morning sickness too!

I have to be careful still to not get too hungry. If I get too hungry I feel pretty awful, so I need to keep being aware of that, but other than that, I've been feeling pretty good the past few days!

I've been sleeping pretty terribly though, which is a big bummer. In addition to waking up to go to the bathroom at least 3 times, I have a hard time staying comfortable (I can't even imagine what sleeping will be like when I'm actually bigger! EEK!).

Today I feel was pretty successful...for a Sunday that is! We got up and went to church, then I needed a nap when we got home, so I slept for about an hour. Then it was time to get up for some football. I REALLY wanted to go for a walk (fall has finally fallen here and it was gorgeous today!). I don't like going alone so I was trying to get Lauren or Carrie to go with luck. I felt pretty bummed, so I decided I need to do something at least mildly active, so I decided to sweep and clean some of the baseboards! Not so fun, but it got my blood moving! After another football nap on the couch I decided to get off my hiney and take Ramsey for a walk. So we went out for almost an hour and half. It was a great decision! Later in the evening Cameron and I went to the grocery store to replenish our bare cupboards (and fridge).

One way I know I'm feeling a bit better--it was easier to grocery shop because I could think beyond what I was interested in at the very moment. Also, I've decided to use the crock pot this fall and bought the ingredients for my first crock pot meal-- white chicken chili!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Incase you're keeping track...

Our FIRST ultrasound is on October 7th at week from today! A week from now we will have seen our little baby and hopefully a nice, strong heartbeat. Keep sending us your good thoughts and/or healthy baby prayers!!!!

I went for a walk!!

The weather has FINALLY cooled off (thanks to a few days of constant rain) and my neighbor, Carrie, and I went on our first walk with the dogs in MONTHS. I'm not sure who was more excited, the two of us or our dogs who are so over the heat!

We went on our normal route....through a neighborhood and around a big pond. After carefully avoiding some massive "puddles" we made our way around the pond and back home again. It was a nice 90 minute walk--JUST what the doctor ordered (well, not really because I have not even seen her yet!) Regardless, it's just what I ordered! I have been so inactive (aside from all of the walking around at do at work) and my body is so thankful that I got moving!

I love walking because it's easy to take it easy or push myself. I also love walking because I love walking with people are passing the time withe some great conversation! It was funny today to talk for so long with Carrie and not mention the baby/pregnancy! Soon enough I'm sure the pregnancy topic will take over our conversations, so it was great to get to catch up about everything else in our lives :)

Keep your fingers crossed that the temps in NC stay below the 80s. I think I can handle a walk in the mid-70s, but I get uncomfortable in anything too much higher!

Friday, September 24, 2010

ALWAYS hungry!!!

The newest development......I eat and then about 40 minutes later (or less) I am SO hungry! If I wait too long to eat I feel sick, so it's a tricky spot to be in sometimes. I feel guilty at school because around 11am I need a snack so I eat something. My kids are saying how hungry they are and when is lunch and here I am eating right in front of them!

Another bothersome thing about being hungry all the time is working out! I planned to go to the gym after school today but I was SO hungry and had to come home to eat, so I couldn't workout! One of these days I'll be able to get back to some mild working out....once I figure out what kinds of snacks to bring with me.

Packing snacks is also hard because I have a hard time thinking of an entire day of food in the morning when I'm not wanting any food and I'm making myself eat some breakfast!

I had no idea being pregnant would be like this! Haha!

(Oh....unrelated but....our first appointment and ultrasound is in less than 2 weeks!!! FINALLY!)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Enter heartburn...

Nobody tells you about all the craziness that happens during the first trimester of pregnancy! Sure, I'd heard about morning sickness (but I actually believed that it was JUST in the morning). Aside from morning sickness I don't think I knew about much else that would happen to me.

Newest symptom...heartburn! I prefer this over vomiting but it is SO uncomfortable! I think I probably need to get some TUMS because there's very little else I can take!

I'll keep you all up on any other random pregnancy symptoms I come across! I'm also happy to hear about others I should be on the lookout for...any heads up is helpful! :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Feeling alive again!

So, Saturday was a terrible, awful, no good, very bad day for me! I am so thankful that my super sick day happened on a weekend and I didn't have to muddle through the school day. (I'm also hoping this won't happen again of course!).

Fast forward to today...I feel like a person again! I'm not 100% of course (does that even happen during pregnancy?), but I was able to get dressed, go to a meeting, teach all day AND go to the gym!! I have not done more than a short walk or pilates in over two weeks! My stomach felt settled enough that I wasn't afraid to lift weights or walk on the treadmill...I'm not claiming to have lifted hard, run fast or even sweat much at all, but I'm focusing on the small victories. I felt pretty victorious to actually USE my gym membership!

I'm still taking it easy and very cautious of anything I do, but I'm thankful for today!

Week by week blog!

Shortly after sharing the news with the Horwich grandparents I received an e-mail with a link to an awesome blog! It's really well written and gives a nice week by week of what's happening with the baby and with me. Of course, it's not 100% accurate for me (that's why you can read MY blog :))

Check it out...maybe even bookmark it! You can read it once a week and get a nice dose of information!

**Thanks Mommy!**

Saturday, September 18, 2010

THIS is morning sickness...

Not to go into too much detail but....this morning was BAD! I woke up with a migraine (I had one yesterday afternoon too but it didn't last long and I was able to get home and have a nice long nap).

So this morning was a terrible migraine and it was even worse I think because I'm not supposed to take any medication! I will be calling the doctor on Tuesday (not open on Mondays) to see what I can do if I get them again. After a while I started feeling a bit odd and decided that maybe I'd get sick....alas, I was correct. I then continued to get sick 4 more times (yes, 5 times). Every 25 minutes. It was NOT a fun couple of hours.

After I thought I might be feeling a bit better but not 100% sure I decided that a nap on the bathroom floor would be a good idea....and it was! Strange as it sounds, I think I actually slept on the floor for close to an hour! Cameron thought I was a bit odd, but I think that nothing is off limits when you're pregnant. I'm learning that I have to do what my body says...even if that IS sleeping on the bathroom floor!

The strangest thing about this morning is that I never really felt nauseous (I suppose I can be "thankful" about that!). I would start to feel clammy and hot and then a couple minutes later I'd get sick. After I got sick I got SO cold for a while. It was a very strange feeling to go back and forth.

I'm praying that this will be a one time thing because I have NO idea how I will handle this if it happens at school. I can't be worrying about getting sick every 25 minutes for 2 hours!!!

Now I'm taking it easy for the rest of the day and still nursing the headache. My focus is re-hydrating right now!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Feeling antisocial

I feel very antisocial right now. Even when I'm feeling okay I'm afraid to commit to anything because I may end up not feeling good and I won't know how to excuse myself and go home. This is yet another drawback of waiting until after the first ultra sound to tell people outside of the family. (Although, at this point most of our family doesn't even know yet!).

I'm hoping that my lack of social activities will be excused once people do know that I'm pregnant!

I hope the icky feelings pass though so that I can start hanging out with my friends again!

What to eat.....????

I have an interesting relationship with in, I never want to be hungry and I can ALWAYS find something to eat, no matter what. All of these hormones have changed that though! I'm thankfully not repulsed by any foods, but I'm also not interested in things I used to love!

For example, I have no desire to eat fresh fruits or veggies! This is an huge change for me, especially since I have been eating more fruits and veggies in the months leading up to this pregnancy.

Over the past week, this is what has interested me (and some of these interests last a day, some a bit longer).
*Mac & Cheese (from the box)

*Grits with butter flavor (I've had two packages today!)

*Crispy veggie chips (they're natural and have iron and niacin!!)---I DID eat the entire bag (7 servings) between 10:30 and 1:30 today...

*Campbell's Healthy Request Italian Wedding Soup (I had it for dinner 3 times last week and bought 4 more cans today!)

*WATER--I really don't even crave anything else to drink

*Multigrain Cheerios

*Eggs (if I can manage to stand at the stove long enough without feeling sick to cook them)

Speaking of eggs...I do need to eat plenty of eggs before the end of the month because I bought some that have extra vitamin D and Omega-3s. Omega-3s are very important for baby brain development and since the idea of eating ANY fish is just gross, I'm hoping to get a bit of what I need from these eggs (they expire on the 24th though).

I also take a prenatal vitamin and calcium supplement twice a day, so even though I might not be eating the ideal diet, I should still be getting the vitamins and nutrients I need!

If you're interested in more about Omega 3s and pregnancy, here is just one of the many articles you can read! (copy and paste)-->

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Our Baby's Growth!

Below are three "tickers" that will track the progress and growth of our baby!

The first one shows how many days and weeks I am.
The second one shows the fetal development and tells you what the baby is developing during that week.
The third one shows a fruit/vegetable size comparison. (This is where the title of the blog came from too!)
*The due date is May 4th!! (The due date may change after we go to the doctor on October 7th and get the official date from her).

 Pregnancy Ticker,  BabyFetus Ticker,  BabyFruit Ticker

"Morning" sickness....

So it's called morning sickness but that's a big lie! Thankfully I've been able to keep my food down, but I feel nauseous ALL the time! It makes me feel pretty useless sometimes because it's really all I can do to get dressed and get to work in the morning! I have to make myself eat something many mornings. I'm hungry, but there is just nothing that I want to eat. It's very frustrating!

Once I get to work the nausea comes in waves, so one minute I can be animated and engaged and the next minute I need to sit down! I'm not a sit and teach kind of teacher, so this is an interesting change for me. It's also tough because at this point, nobody at school knows I'm pregnant, so I feel like it looks like I'm just being lazy!! I suppose I need to do what my body tells me to do and make sure I'm teaching the kids at the same time....easier said than done!

In addition to struggling through the school day, I have not been able to really workout in a week! The idea of jumping around, being hot, just too much for me to handle. I've managed to take Ramsey for 2 nice 40 minute walks, but that's the extent of my physical activity!

I'm basically hoping that this "morning" sickness won't last past the end of the first trimester so I can enjoy food and working out again!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

We are PREGNANT!!!

It was Thursday, August 27th that we decided to take our first pregnancy test. I had been feeling just fine, so I figured it would be negative and we'd just try again. Well, 3 minutes later we walked back into the bathroom and saw 2 lines. Two lines means pregnant. We looked, and looked again and could still hardly believe that we are PREGNANT! We decided that we would take another test in the morning, just to be SURE. Well, two even darker lines made us realize that yes, we are pregnant!

I called the doctor that Friday morning and scheduled the first appointment (which includes an ultrasound). The appointment isn't until October 7th and the days are going SO slowly! I'm very anxious to see this little baby and hear a heartbeat!