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Saturday, October 16, 2010


The baby has not even arrived and I'm already unable to sleep through the night!!! The past several weeks I have had a cough that comes mostly at night and congestion that becomes a runny nose right around bedtime. I am going CRAZY!!!! There is nothing I'd rather be doing at 11:50pm on Saturday night than sleeping...but NO, I'm awake because I can't stop sniffling and coughing!!!! Cameron never complains, but I know it's really impacting his sleep too :( I suppose this is one way of preparing for being up when the baby arrives, but I was really hoping the enjoy the last several months of solid sleep before May!

I'll be calling the doctor on Tuesday (they are closed on Mondays) to ask what the heck I can do about this! I only take the Robitussin once every day (at night) and the allergy pill at night, but I feel like I might need something else to get rid of this mess!!! Argh!!!!

1 comment:

  1. As I recall (Amy and Ben can confirm this), the sniffling & coughing thing isn't part of prenatal sleep-deprivation preparation, but is supposed to come AFTER the baby is born and starts hanging around with other kids. Speaking as a board-certified physician, I suggest taking your Robitussin and allergy pill with a good belt of Scotch. Read the package insert and check with your doctor for full instructions.
