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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Past the morning sickness?

I've read (in many places) that morning sickness tends to subside after week 9. It's due to hormone levels balancing out better and a general evening out after your body has gotten used to the first part of pregnancy. It seems that I may be very lucky to be moving past the morning sickness too!

I have to be careful still to not get too hungry. If I get too hungry I feel pretty awful, so I need to keep being aware of that, but other than that, I've been feeling pretty good the past few days!

I've been sleeping pretty terribly though, which is a big bummer. In addition to waking up to go to the bathroom at least 3 times, I have a hard time staying comfortable (I can't even imagine what sleeping will be like when I'm actually bigger! EEK!).

Today I feel was pretty successful...for a Sunday that is! We got up and went to church, then I needed a nap when we got home, so I slept for about an hour. Then it was time to get up for some football. I REALLY wanted to go for a walk (fall has finally fallen here and it was gorgeous today!). I don't like going alone so I was trying to get Lauren or Carrie to go with luck. I felt pretty bummed, so I decided I need to do something at least mildly active, so I decided to sweep and clean some of the baseboards! Not so fun, but it got my blood moving! After another football nap on the couch I decided to get off my hiney and take Ramsey for a walk. So we went out for almost an hour and half. It was a great decision! Later in the evening Cameron and I went to the grocery store to replenish our bare cupboards (and fridge).

One way I know I'm feeling a bit better--it was easier to grocery shop because I could think beyond what I was interested in at the very moment. Also, I've decided to use the crock pot this fall and bought the ingredients for my first crock pot meal-- white chicken chili!


  1. YAY for up and walking! Also for groceries and the crock pot. Pretty soon you will be able to tell everyone you meet wassup, and then the fun will begin . . . if you can stay awake for it!

  2. I meant to include a couple good crockpot recipes in my little package to you, but forgot. Doh! I'll see if I can dig them out and scan them for you. And then maybe that'll inspire me to get going with my crock pot too. :)

  3. I had no idea you have been so sick! :( Really hope you are moving past that phase!!
