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Monday, October 18, 2010


I'm amazed at how much my body seems to have changed already, even considering I have not gained any official weight yet! As the day goes on the hormones in my body cause everything to relax, including my internal organs (apparently....). As a result I have a pretty good "baby" bump by the afternoon! Thank goodness for the Belly Band that I got from my friend Joanna. The belly band allows me to keep my pants up while wearing them unbuttoned. I feel funny not zipping and buttoning my pants, but it's just NOT going to happen after about noon!

I'm in an odd spot too because I'm not big enough (yet) for true maternity clothes and I'm too big for my regular clothes! I think I need to go out and buy some pants that are a size or two too big...I'm thinking that might be more comfortable than wearing my pants unzipped!

Before I head out to buy any maternity clothes I'd love to hear any shopping advice/tips!!!!


  1. There is a good reason for the invention of the Mumu, and it isn't just that Hawaiian ladies are so relaxed. Doesn't sound like you're ready for one quite yet, but keep it in mind.
    I have seen (somewhere) jeans that have a fold-over stretchy panel at the top that look like a belly band and seem to work for several months.

  2. That's the kind of jeans I's not working yet for me, but maybe as I expand a bit it'll help more and my pants will really stay up!

  3. Lindsay raves about leggings as being her savior. In part because they work both while pregnant and then after as you lose the baby weight. I don't think you're a leggings type person naturally, but neither was she and she is now, so it is something to consider, especially with winter coming it is the perfect time for you to buy some new sweaters that cover your booty and rock the leggings with them.

  4. I had not thought of leggings! I will take me a while to get comfortable with the idea of leggings...although I think if I have big enough sweaters I'll be set!

  5. Ooooh, once you start in on wearing leggings and tunics, there is just no turning back! And Diana's right- once you're done being pregnant, they'll be good post-preggers clothes to have on hand.
