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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

10 weeks 1 day!

The first picture is from when we were in Mexico in August, 2010. I have it here for comparison...pre-pregnancy and 10 weeks pregnant!

Here I am at 10 weeks and 1 day! The belly is not just baby at all (a good bit of bloat is included too!). It'll be interesting to see how things progress!!!



  1. And no one has noticed, I guess

  2. Way to go! Let's hear it for bloat! Nice start, but you ain't seen nothin' yet. You have centimeters, inches, feet, YARDS yet to go!
    Okay. Maybe not yards, but you ain't seen nothin' 'til you can't see your toes. Get a pedicure NOW!

  3. Awww, I'm so happy you're taking pictures! I'm sure you'll love being able to look back on the progress and growth. Can't wait to hear how Thursdays appointment goes.

  4. I'm totally eating a prune today in honor of your baby being that size. :)

  5. What a cute baby bump! So happy for you!
