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Thursday, October 14, 2010


One thing we need to do before May is get our Ramsey-Roo ready to be the #2 baby in the house! We have spent the past 2 years loving him and spoiling him!! It'll be interesting to see how he takes to having a baby in the house. He LOVES kids and babies, but I'm not sure he'll love having one around ALL the time!

It's also been interesting to see him with baby toys. I have a couple of generous co-workers who are passing on their used toys, us. Ramsey thinks that any toy that rattles, shakes or squeaks was brought into the house especially for him! He is NOT a fan of the toys that have an on/off switch. A co-worker gave us an Elmo doll that sings and dances. Oh boy...Ramsey and Elmo are NOT friends!!!

I'm taking Ramsey to the vet for an appointment at the end of the month so I'll be asking a lot of questions about what we can do to prepare our little guy! Feel free to leave any suggestions of your own!

1 comment:

  1. I suggest you get Ramsey a Smart Car and driving lessons. That should reassure him that you still love him best. If you wait to do this until mid-May, you could tell him it's a present from the baby.
