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Sunday, December 12, 2010

All dressed up....and somewhere to go!

On Saturday night Cameron and I got all dressed up to go to his annual holiday party (called a Seasonal Celebration). It's held at the Umstead Hotel and the food is FABULOUS!!! I found my dress at a store in Apex called's basically a consignment shop for kids clothing, but they also happen to have a nice maternity section as well. This dress was a good find...something I could wear last night and also something I can wear more casually when the weather warms up again :)

Most people could hardly believe that I'm almost 20 weeks. I'm sure what I'm "supposed" to look like, but apparently I'm "tiny"....never heard that before!

This was at the second party of the night, sitting on the couch with our friend Christina.
(It's a photo from a Blackberry, so it's not the best quality...but a picture with me and Cameron together!)

1 comment:

  1. Very nice dress, you tiny thing! I was wondering whether Kid to Kid has a maternity-wear section and now I know. Good choice. It will be interesting to see whether it still fits at Christmas!
