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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Enter heartburn...

Nobody tells you about all the craziness that happens during the first trimester of pregnancy! Sure, I'd heard about morning sickness (but I actually believed that it was JUST in the morning). Aside from morning sickness I don't think I knew about much else that would happen to me.

Newest symptom...heartburn! I prefer this over vomiting but it is SO uncomfortable! I think I probably need to get some TUMS because there's very little else I can take!

I'll keep you all up on any other random pregnancy symptoms I come across! I'm also happy to hear about others I should be on the lookout for...any heads up is helpful! :)


  1. I don't know too much about heartburn, but I think maybe the expression we're looking for is URK.
    Be of good cheer: you should be able to love the second and third trimesters!

  2. I don't know about heartburn either (yet another symptom I avoided each time), but I did want to get involved with the blogging comments! What fun this is going to be!

    This baby is so real in our family and in our hearts already. It is such happy, happy news!
