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Friday, April 22, 2011

Feeling pretty good...

Right now I'm 38 weeks 4 days...WHOAH! I really never imagined being at this point. We've known that I'm pregnant for so long that it's really amazing that I'm so close now!

It's funny....back when I first got pregnant I thought I'd be totally huge and constantly uncomfortable by this point. I'm not totally huge (still only measuring 36cm even though I "should" be 38cm). I'm certainly not small (today Cameron asked me if I brought anything with me on our way in to Target. I had my purse on the opposite side from him...he could not see my purse around my belly!). Sometimes I feel big, but I can't comfortably rest my arms on my belly, which I thought was something that happened to everyone.

I also thought I'd have a really hard time putting Ramsey's leash on and picking up after him. Don't get me wrong, I prefer for Cameron to do it, but I'm still capable of getting down to him and taking care of him like before. Of course this makes things easier. (When given the option, I ask other people to pick things up for me...especially in my classroom where they are eager to help me with anything!).

I'm not saying things are EASY these take mind and body effort to get up off the floor after I do my back stretching and heating. I am certainly looking forward to being able to sit up from a reclined position without thinking about it and making a plan :)

Overall I am feeling pretty good. I am finding that I'm getting tired more easily, so I'm trying to slow down and take breaks so I don't overdo it. This will be much easier to do after Monday, when I am tracked out and have a week off before the due date. I'm having some back pain...mostly from a rib that seems to be pooped out a bit and does not want to go back in and stay in (even after twice weekly visits to the chiropractor!). As I mentioned above, stretching on a ball and heat are the best remedies at this point!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I'm really impressed. You're like the SUPER pregnant woman. Glad you're feeling so good and staying so positive about the things that have been a challenge. Good luck in the last stretch here!
