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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Appointment Update

I had another appointment again this morning to check on the baby. Everything is still looking good and going well!

His heart rate was right around 150bpm. Last week he was closer to 130bpm because he was not really active last week (probably sleeping last week). Dr. Tahtawi is happy with how he sounds, so I'm happy too :)

My weight is still going up (as it should....but I really do wish it would stop!). My blood pressure is still great though...104/68 I think :)

Dr. Tahtawi says that I have 1cm dilated and 70% effaced....this just means that I'm heading in the right direction (or rather, the baby is heading in the right direction!) and that my body is getting ready to give birth. I obviously need to be 10cm and 100% effaced when I actually deliver, but I could be 1cm now and then 10cm in the morning....or I could stay at 1cm for 2 more weeks!

Since I am due on Monday, Dr. Tahtawi will consider me "past due" when I come in for my appointment next week. If I don't have the baby before next Tuesday afternoon I will go in for another ultrasound to make sure things are still going ok. Apparently the placenta becomes less effective....who knew!


  1. I know about dilation, but what does effaced mean?

  2. Effacement is the thinning out of the cervix. A normal cervix (and one during the majority of pregnancy) is 0% effaced...meaning it's firm and high. As it gets ready for delivery it gets thinner and lower.

    This is how a friend of Cameron's explained it....put a donut on a table. The hole is dilation. Now, smash the donut....that is what happens for effacement :)

  3. I love that description of effacement (which I have never fully understood, even though I've been there). I told it to a couple of friends in the last week or two, and it cracked me up every time!

  4. Okay, totally understand. Thanks for the visual Cameron! It helps the non-scientific folk like myself.

    Now when I think about you in labor I'll imagine Lil' Dude arriving by Krispy Kreme. ;)
