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Sunday, May 1, 2011

40 weeks pregnant....what to do, what to do???

So yesterday was Cameron's birthday (Happy Birthday!!!) and it was also a gorgeous day outside. In North Carolina spring is often a little blip between winter and SUMMER (HOT, HOT, HOT), so we really wanted to take advantage of the day and spend time outside. Cameron has been wanting to do some work in the yard but we've been putting it off because we've been making sure that things IN the house are ready for the baby.

Anyway, we decided that we would go buy some plants and work in the yard. Yes, I was 39 weeks and 5 days yesterday and I spent 2 hours outside planting. I had planned to just "supervise" and keep Cameron company, but then I got started and I didn't really stop! We accomplished a lot, but let me tell you, I do NOT plan on doing that again next time! The lower back pain I caused myself is something I have never felt before! We were seriously wondering if I was having back labor or if it was simply pain from planting!

Needless to say, I'm trying REALLY hard to take it easy today so that my body will fully recover before my actual labor starts...whenever that may be!

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to the update after your trip to the doctor today!
