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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Appointment- 40 weeks 1 day

This afternoon we had another appointment. I'm now 40 weeks and 1 day, so I'm "past due." They shouldn't really say that though, since only about 5% of babies are born ON their due date and most first time babies (well, all babies are born for their first time, so first time moms) are'm trying to convince myself that I'm not late.

Anyway, since I'm late we got to have another ultrasound. The purpose of this ultrasound was to check the amniotic fluid levels. The further along in pregnancy the less effective the placenta can be and sometimes fluid levels drop. They wanted to see a fluid level of 5 and my number was 14, so we're good to go :) The fluid level indicated whether he is still urinating (meaning his functions are still, well, functioning) and to make sure he has enough to live on in there. Since the level is fine then there is no need to think about induction (phew!).

Other than that, he was resting for the most part...his heart rate was close to 130. He had his legs crossed and they were over on my left side and his bottom was on my right. We got another photo of his face (I think he was WAYYYY cuter on the ultrasound screen than in his picture) and he had his arm near his face. We can attest to the fact that he is still a boy :)

When I was checked I had not made much progress since last week. I'm ALMOST 2cm dilated and now just 60% effaced. (This effacement calculation isn't an exact science really because I was more effaced last week!).

I'm trying to enjoy my time and not just WAIT. It's tough though because I've been thinking, "it can be any time now" since I was 38 weeks, so I'm kind of been waiting for more than 2 weeks now.

I told Cameron that we might need to start a project and leave it unfinished and THEN he will be born. We keep accomplishing too much :)


  1. Well, it's frustrating as all heck to wait day after day. Some comfort, though, to know he won't come early and he won't come "on time." Now it's only a question of which day, and you have the reassurance of knowing your doctor is keeping track of things. We will be so happy to see his waaaay cute face!

  2. Well, this bun wants to stay in the oven a bit longer. You're making it so comfy for him - good job!
