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Friday, March 11, 2011

32 weeks 4 days

Photo credit to my wonderful husband, Cameron! <3


  1. He looks lovely, and just exactly the right size! Keep up the good work. (Your hair looks quite lush also . . . although that may not be the primary point of these photos.)

  2. Beautiful! Can't wait to see you and your belly in person! I hope we'll get an update on Doula Visit #2 soon. I'm curious about what you learned.

  3. Mommy--thanks :) I think it's a good size for now....I'm enjoying not being TOO huge yet! You can also see that I really am in need of a haircut!

    Diana--thanks you and I'm so excited to see you in less than 2 weeks!!! YAY! I'm going to write another doula post today I hope... :)
