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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Doula Visit #1

We signed up for labor and childbirth classes with our doula. She will come to our house three times for the classes. Each class is about 2.5-3 hours.

She came to our house on Friday for our first class. In this class we went over nutrition and exercise...which we're doing pretty well already thank goodness. There are a few things I need to add.
-cranberry juice (helps with bladder stuff)
-Red Raspberry Leaf tea (it's a uterine tonic)
-vitamin C (strengthens the bag of water---which I do not want to break until I'm well into labor)
-olive oil and apple cider vinegar dressing (uncooked oils are good)
-Greek Yogurt (probiotics)

Another thing we talked about a bit was mind over body, which is obviously huge when it comes to planning a natural (drug free) delivery. We'll talk more about that next Friday I think.

She showed us the position we want the baby to be in when I go into labor (head down of course with his face towards my back, so that his skull is not bone on bone with my spine). After watching her demonstration with her doll and pelvis it seems amazing that a baby can actually be born (again, MIND OVER BODY!!!).

1 comment:

  1. When you think about it, it certainly IS amazing that a baby can be born! Then again, all those constricting safeguards keep him from falling out accidentally while you're standing in line at Wal Mart, so keep it up with the red raspberry and vitamin C!
