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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Fun Game---give it a try :)

I had my first (AWESOME) baby shower on Saturday...more about that to come in a later post. We played a game at the shower and I thought I'd see how you all can do :)

Name That Candy!
Think of a candy (candy bars and other kinds of candy) that you think of when you hear the clue. (If you want some hints, I'm including a word bank at the bottom of this post).

1. Girl's Name
2. Contractions
3. Epidurals
4. Hospital Bills
5. Chubby Baby
6. Breast Engorgement
7. Mommy's Sleep
8. Baby Giggles
9. Postpartum Stomach
10. Triplets
11. Dirty Diapers
12. Preemies

Three Musketeers
Life Savers
Baby Ruth
Hubba Bubba
Jelly Belly
Now & Later
Laffy Taffy
Milk Duds
100 Grand
Milky Way

1 comment:

  1. 1. Girl's Name - Baby Ruth
    2. Contractions - M&M's
    3. Epidurals - Crunch
    4. Hospital Bills - 100 Grand
    5. Chubby Baby - Whoppers
    6. Breast Engorgement - Mounds
    7. Mommy's Sleep - Now and Then
    8. Baby Giggles - Laffy Taffy
    9. Postpartum Stomach
    10. Triplets
    11. Dirty Diapers
    12. Preemies
