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Friday, February 4, 2011

Glucose Test Update

So my glucose tolerance test was on Wednesday.

We woke up at 7:25 and then Cameron went downstairs to get my Glucose50 from the fridge so I could stay comfortable and drink it in bed. Here is my take on this drink---imagine orange soda with 5 times the sugar taste and no carbonation. It wasn't AWFUL, but it's not something I would choose to drink again! One of the worst parts about drinking it was that I had it on an empty stomach, so it was all just sitting there in my belly.

My doctor has her patients fast before the glucose test because she found that there were too many false positives when patients didn't fast. (Not all doctors have you fast).

So, after finishing the drink (in 5 minutes) I got up and finished getting ready. We drove to the doctor's office and I had a few vials of blood drawn shortly after we arrived. No biggie :) I was very thankful that we had about 40 minutes between getting my blood drawn and our ultrasound, so we went over to Whole Foods for some oatmeal. I was SO hungry by this point, so oatmeal tasted great! Haha!

I didn't end up having a huge sugar crash like I expected, but I was certainly pretty tired for the rest of the day. It was great to be tracked out, since I was able to come home and watch tv, have a nap and then go for a walk :)

The doctor only calls if you don't pass your glucose test (they need to set up another test which is a 4 hour test and really no fun). I wanted to know either way though, and I was curious about my numbers, so I made sure to call the office today. After waiting for a few hours, the nurse called me back.

I PASSED!!!! In order to pass, the number needs to be below number? 71!!!!! I passed with flying colors :)

Nurse Nancy thought I was cute that I was worried about this, considering I had NO risk factors or reason to believe I might not pass. I figure that I've been relatively calm during this pregnancy, so I HAD to have a few things to worry about :)

1 comment:

  1. YAY! Go you. Way to win by getting the lowest score! We knew you didn't have it in you! Now, if that child would just stop being an eggplant and move along . . . a bag of OreIda shoestring fries, perhaps. French fries are potatoes, and potatoes are vegetables, right? No discrimination against frozen vegetables here!
