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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

8.5 weeks....?

Last night it occurred to me that I only have 8.5 weeks of teaching left. Cameron mentioned that he hopes that I can enjoy them. I pretty much lost it (in a controlled way) when I realized that yes, I do indeed only have 8.5 weeks of teaching left.

I'm SO excited to be a stay at home mom (for a while at least), but I never actually stopped to think about what it would mean in terms of not teaching. Sure, I knew I wouldn't be going back to teach (and I've had issue with--"Who will I be when I'm not a teacher?" already), but I never slowed down to think about the things I'll miss when I'm not teaching.

My goal and my prayer now is that I can slow down, close my door, and really enjoy and appreciate my students. There is so much else that can get my down at work, so I'm hoping that keeping my eyes on my students only will allow me to finish the first part of my teaching career on a positive note.

I have a feeling I've got some pretty emotional days coming up in the next 8.5 weeks before I track out in April 25th!

1 comment:

  1. Remember your first year of this part of your teaching career, when you hardly knew any more than the kids did? What a LOT you learned about Pilgrims, for goodness sakes! Needs and wants! Back then, you closed your door and enjoyed your students because you were learning along with them.

    This year you have the luxury and blessing of knowing that you have 8.5 weeks before you start your next career. Give yourself the gift of closing the door, slowing down, looking clearly at the girls & boys who will remember your name and smile decades from now, and collecting the memories for yourself. You will never regret putting love before achievement scores.

    Wonderful things lie ahead, and other wonderful things are happening right now!
